Short and Sweet, like the Changing Colors of the Leaves

Short and Sweet, like the Changing Colors of the Leaves

How did it get to be fall. We were all just getting used to being outside again, doing things out in the world again. I can still smell the salty air from our beach trip, though we have been back for more than a month now. I can still hear the kids laughing, running through the sprinkler out in the backyard – though the cool breeze reminds me it’s time to think about sweaters.

If you haven’t noticed, or if you have, we’ve been MIA for a bit. Life just kind of, got in the way. The short and sweet story of it all is that we jumped head first into a new way of operating in our daily lives. We had some physical goals we wanted to accomplish, and so we chose a fitness program/lifestyle that is helping us achieve that. Taking control of what you put in your body and well as how you take care of it can make a world of difference. But I’m not here to talk about that right now. I’m here to tell you, we’ve been busy with other stuff, and now we’re back!

Back to sharing easy and healthy recipes that both you and your family will love.

Back to dreaming, building and creating all of the home goods you could ever want.

Back to sharing the DIY’s behind some of the projects we have taken on.

We’re also here to share some new things! We love how much our approach to health and fitness has changed our lives, and want to share that with you!

So stick with us, we’ve got a whole lot more in store!!

Happy Fall Everyone…check out some of my previous posts, you’ll see we’re in/heading into my FAVORITE seasons!!